Friday, March 8, 2013

GI and Pulmonology

Last week Deklin saw GI and Pulmonology for follow ups. GI was supposed to be a follow-up from motility testing. We were supposed to go over the results and put a plan in place. Well none of the happened, instead we were told Deklin is too complicated for Madison so they would be referring him to Milwaukee for his GI care. So now we have to wait until April for his motility follow-up.
At least his Pulmonology appointment went well. Pulmo doc is happy we think we finally found a good maintenance regimen for Deklin (we haven't seen his lungs this healthy in a LONG time) unfortunately for my hands (and arms and wrists) this includes 3x day chest PT. His pulmo and I have talked a little bit before about getting Deklin the vest, but for various reasons never went ahead with it, last week we finally decided it was time to order one. To my great surprise it arrived today! I am so happy, this will be a huge help to have.

After Deklin's pulmo appointment we picked up the car and headed down to Chicago to meet up with my mom and sister. We had a blast in Chicago. Deklin loves spending time with his auntie Em and Omi, and I of course love seeing them as well. Sunday afternoon we stopped Auntie Em and Omi of at the airport and headed for home, only to discover that his J-tube had coiled again. So we made an over night pit stop in Madison,  got his tube changed Monday morning, and headed home.
Deklin has been having lots of bladder issues lately so Monday he is headed for a renal ultrasound, and Friday is his MRI.

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