Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Therapy...oh how we missed therapy

After way to long of a hiatus we finally got Deklin back into OT (occupational therapy) and speech. This makes me one happy momma, my little sensory boy was a wreck without OT. We've also noticed some regression in his speech since he hasn't been getting regular speech therapy. Deklin loves his new therapists, and looks forward to his "play time" every week. It has definitely made our already busy schedule a little challenging, but so worth it. He was referred for a PT eval at the same time due to increased falling and tone issues, but we were having trouble finding a pediatric PT in the area. Deklin's wonderful ped was finally able to find one and Deklin will have his PT eval on Friday.

Things have finally started to warm up around here, which unfortunately it's not good for my heat intolerant little man. We have seen Deklin struggling quite a bit on the few warmer days we've had so far. I was able to (kinda of) make a cooling vest for him, and while not quite perfect helped tremendously. This may be a long summer...or maybe we just need to move to Alaska.

We are very busy the next few weeks, with end of year party's, conferences, IEP meetings, doctors appointments, therapy,  and finishing up soccer. We are counting down the days until summer break.

Sleep (or lack thereof)

Alternate title: I Need Coffee
I really need to find a way to get more caffeine in me in a day. Deklin averages about 15 hours of sleep a day. Roughly 10-12 hours at night and a 3-5 hour nap. Yet still at 5 doesn't sleep through the night. And before you say it, I know take away his nap, tried that. 2 weeks of hell and still didn't sleep through the night. On a good night (no tummy aches, leg pain, headaches, or any other random pain)he wakes up and goes right back to sleep fairly quickly. Mommy on the other hand doesn't fall back to sleep quite as easily. On the bad nights (usually because of GI issues) he will be up for a couple hours at a time. Most nights involve 3 or 4 wake up calls a night, plus the pump which has to  beep at least twice (or more) or it feels left out, and add in the fact that I frequently end up sleeping sitting up on the couch with him or with him in my room I'm tired. And yes late night blogging doesn't help, but some nights you just  give up on sleep. I need coffee.