Monday, January 21, 2013


A little bit about Deklin...Deklin was born a happy healthy (we thought) little boy. The one thing we did notice from day one hour one was the the reflux. He spit up all day every day as a baby, but he was a "happy spitter" so the doctors said no need to worry, he would grow out of it. As an infant he was sick a lot with various respiratory illnesses, some requiring hospitalizations and oxygen support. Deklin is still currently Undiagnosed, but we are working with a wonderful team of doctors and hope to one day have a full diagnosis for him.  Although we don't have that "all encompassing  diagnosis for Deklin we do have plenty of individual diagnosis for him. As of now he has been diagnosed with reactive airway disease (later asthma), Dysphagia, severe GERD, food allergies, Autism, sensory prcessing disorder, ADHD, developmental delay, speech delay, chronic constipation, sleep apnea, hypotonia, thracheomalacia, Gastoperisis, Motility disorder, pseudo obstructions, and visceral hyperalgesia.   (I'm probably forgetting something). Deklin has been hospitalized many time for Aspiration pneumonia, GI related issues, and various other things. He has had countless other surgeries and procedures, but powers through it all like a champ. Deklin is currently has a G/J tube and is 100% J-tube fed with the G-tube draining/ venting continuously and uses supplemental oxygen. He has a closet full of meds and supplies,  and a wonderful team of doctors working very hard to keep him happy and healthy. 

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