Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Saw genetics this morning, didn't really learn anything new. We are still looking at mitochondrial disease as a possibility. The last round of testing we had done came back inconclusive, so we are now moving on to mtdna testing. It will take 3-5 months to get those results back. She also ordered a few other labs that we will have drawn at his peds office, as well as referral for an MRI.

In 1 1/2 weeks we will be heading down to Milwaukee for motility testing. Praying for some answers there. We will follow up with GI at the end of February to discuss what we see with the motility testing.

In other news Deklin can now say Popsicle! For anyone that doesn't know him on a day to day basis,  we have been working on this forever. Popsicles are one of the few foods Deklin is allowed to eat, so he has one almost daily, which means lots of chances to practice saying it correctly. Yay Deklin.

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